Friday, May 11, 2007

Saying "Good-bye"

A precious friend of mine died today. Charlie was an amazing person and I will miss him terribly. We met him when they moved from Pennsylvania and joined out church. He and Jane stood out as amazing examples of Loving God and Trusting Him in all things. He had this most amazing laugh. And HUG? You haven't ever been really hugged if you didn't get to have a Charlie hug. He fought cancer several years ago and won. For a time. And then it came back - stronger, more invasive and dreadfully malicious. But Charlie's philosophy was always, "When God brings you to it, He gives you the strength you need to go through it." And strength, and grace and dignity were Charlie. Never a harsh word. The tenderest of hearts. The gentlest guidance. The powerful teaching. Oh Charlie. I will miss you so. I am so glad that one day I will see you again and get one of your huge hugs. Thank you for touching my life. And Thank You God for letting me know Charlie Henry.


matt said...

Dad helped me remember who he was. Very sad, that was a great family.. for some reason, the knowledge of heaven is really comforting to me this time, more than usual. Odd, but good.

sugarlumps said...

What a GREAT thing to say Matt. Yes, heaven is comforting. That is why Paul told us to "sorrow not as those who have no hope." He didn't say not to sorrow at all, but to realize that the hope of heaven makes our grief different, our sorrow has an end, one day we will be reunited and Jesus himself will "wipe away all of our tears." It is such a comfort. And I think that is the one Name of the Holy Spirit that I like best - The Comforter; because we all need comforting.