Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Am in Texas this week, visiting my dad. Right now the thermometer says it is 58.8 degrees and is raining. Heard some thunder a while ago, but that seems to have passed. A noted difference to the 105 degrees we had at home on Saturday.

Texans are interesting people. Had occasion yesterday to do some serious people watching over a long period of time in a small waiting room. You can almost pick out those who were born and raised here over those who migrated from somewhere else. But everyone is pretty polite ("thank you", "please", "how sweet of you", "yes ma'am, no sir", etc.), considerate (opening doors, "excuse me - entirely my fault", "no, no - you go first"). There was one crusty old codger who was completly the antithesis of "Texan" as far as politeness goes, but who had obviously been here all of his life (accent, ten-gallon hat, etc.) and he just made me laugh even in his rudeness with his Texas-style phrases. My favorite was "Well, if you throw me out of the bar, of COURSE I'll bruise!"

I have lived in many places in my lifetime, but truly, Texas is a nation unto itself.

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