Wednesday, May 2, 2007

First Thoughts

OK, so this is my first blogging attempt. We'll see how it goes and how long I am able to continue it. I titled it "Thought Process" because I find that my thoughts roam and ramble along at times and decided I would impose them on anyone who is interested. I live in the desert so perhaps there is a little brain dessication happening which might affect some of my thoughts, but it will be a fun adventure nonetheless.

First thought - I heard a line on an old episode of "The Waltons" that struck me. "There isn't much in this life but love and hard work, and that's about the size of it." I like that. I think it kind of summarizes a lot of what the Bible tells us. The wickedness we humans brought into this perfectly created world has caused us nothing but pain and hard work. But the God who created us loves us deeply and has sprinkled our lives with precious moments of love - the laughter of a child, the song of the bird, the amazing and fragile and short-lived beauty of a cactus flower, the warmth of a hug - and it gives us the strength to move on through the rough stuff. Go find someone to hug today. It will heal you both.

Also - It occurs to me that there is so much unreported goodness in our days. One of the things that seems to happen to us as we age is that we develop an addiction to the news. We read the paper. We watch the 24 hour news programs. We check the news online. News, news, news. And none of it is new. And none of it is good. And all is does is anger, depress and annoy us. But there we are, ready at our posts every day to catch every bit of it. And we miss all of the goodness around us. How I wish the news could focus on more of the good. The tireless volunteers that help my granddaughter learn to play softball deserve recognition. A focus on the people who prepare and deliver Meals-on-Wheels and those who are the recipients of this goodness could be a wonderful balance to the dreadful, hateful things that we see every day. Balance - I guess that is what I would like to see. And by the way, what is it in us that makes us so hungry for the badness that the media moguls recognize and seek to satisfy that unquenchable thirst? A bit sad. Balance. Let's vote for balance.


matt said...

Yay! first blog! I like the layout too! Now just to get dad, and Mike, and Stacy, and Jen to post on hers.....

sugarlumps said...

I knew you would respond. Thanks. And, as far as the layout - because I didn't know what I was doing, this was (I guess) the default layout. But I think I like it too. Anyway, thanks for the comment.

trainman said...

This sounds just like you. Sort of like journaling, but not so personal that you need to keep it under lock and key. I agree with you about the news and the media and about life from "The Waltons". Wish we could find someone like that to run for Pres. in 08. Thanks for being my partner in work and love. I am proud of you and so grateful that we share this life together. I Love You.

matt said...

You'll find him, just as soon as Al Gore enters the race.
heh heh heh