Thursday, July 5, 2007

Time passes

It has been a while since I last entered something here. Since then I have had a birthday so am now older than I have ever been but younger than I will ever be again. Hmmm. But it was a STUPENDOUS birthday. My family surprised me with the best of presents - their PRESENCE! It was a wonderful weekend. And there are no words to tell how much it meant to me that Matt and Jen and Esther made the long trek here. I was completely stunned and am still overwhelmwed. My husband was the instigator of the whole thing and did a great job of fooling me. Although, in retrospect, I should has suspected something big was up when he would quickly minimize email whenever I walked into the room, and when he put clean sheets on the bed in the guest room, and when he did many other little around-the-house things. But I love surprises and am glad that I didn't know anything. Made it all the more wonderful.

Today we find out if out third grandchild is a boy or a girl. Frankly, I could care less. I only pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy that brings us a healthy little one in November. Please Lord, let it be so.

It has been a good and full couple of weeks. Hope God has filled yours with amazing things too.