Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations Mr. President

Congratulations to you. I may not agree with your policies but leader you are and I will support you. As Mr. McCain said, “You will be my president.” My Bible tells me that I need to support and pray for those who lead, because you are there by God’s design. I will pray for your safety, for strength as you serve us, for protection for your family and for clarity of purpose for you and those around you. May you seek God’s wisdom as you fill cabinet positions with appropriate, if not popular, people. May you recognize the mandate you have been given and recognize that your popular vote shows that over 1/3 of the people did not vote for you and will be watching you closely for you to prove your worthiness. May you seek humility as the servant you now are, strength of character when it would be easier to waver, courage to differ with powerful men who are wrong, discernment to recognize the untruth of most flattery, honesty when it would be easier to skate over the truth, and the “peace that passes understanding” when all around you is tumultous. Congatulations Mr. President. Wear the title well.