Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I didn't have a chance to write this yesterday, on Memorial Day, but perhaps it is never too late to say "Thank You" to all of the men and women who are sacrificing daily to help keep me safe at night. And, even more, to express my deep appreciation for all those who have gone before in ultimate sacrifice so that I can enjoy the freedoms and lifestyle that I treasure today. There just are no words. My dad fought in World War II. My father-in-law served aboard the New Orleans when Pearl Harbor was attacked and fought throughout the war of the Pacific. The best man at my wedding served several tours in Vietnam. These people all willingly said "Yes" when asked to serve and I am so grateful to them. We are a spoiled, complacent and wickedly selfish generation in no small part because their sacrifices helped to create a prosperous society around us. Please join me in recognizing that all we have comes because others gave for us, protected us and helped create a safe environment in which we can work and learn and produce. And then join me in finding someone to you whom you can say "Thank You". It a priceless pearl, this freedom of ours, bought at GREAT price.

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