Sunday, October 28, 2007

Here is that time of year again... The trees are showing their brighter colors. The nights are cooler. The daylight hours are becoming fewer. Change is in the works. I love this time of year. It is kind of a closure and a renewal at the same time. We know the cold of winter is coming, but there are still reminders of the wonderful summer just past. The swimming pool still looks wonderfully inviting, but the water is way to cold. The yummy summer fruits and vegetables are still around, but smaller quantity and larger prices. The stores are starting to put out some Christmas decorations and warmer clothing. The TV plays both baseball and football. A great time of year. And the focus on change and growth reminds me of how unchangeable God is. He orchestrates the seasons for our benefit and joy but remains unchangeable Himself for our security and peace. The days pass. The clocks tick. The fashions change. But our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hallelujah.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Brand New

There is a moment, here in my nearly-flat desert, when the sun is just at the horizon and the bright, clean light of a new day blasts squarely on the eastern side of everything. It is an amazing moment. Everything grabs that precious light, absorbs it and then reflects it back to the sun. The tired old buildings suddenly look proud and strong. The plants stand up a little straighter as they reach out to take on that life-giving light. Even the stones and boulders on the ground become more defined - sharper and more perfect. It is a magical and glorious reminder of the newness of this day with its limitless possibilities and potential. I love this moment. It reminds me that this brand new day is a precious gift from God and that He has given me the power to take it, absorb it and reflect it back to the Son. It is an awesome priviledge and a a powerful responsibility. I must not waste it - this gift of the Brand New.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Victorian Virtue?

I was recently doing a crossword puzzle and the clue to a 7-letter word was "Victorian virtue". The word ended up being "modesty". When I look up the word "Victorian" in my dictionary, I see this definition: "typical of the moral standards, attitudes or conduct of the age of Victoria esp. when considered stuffy or hypocritical." When I look up the definition of "modesty" I read: "propriety in dress, speech or conduct." So I have to ask the question, "What is stuffy or hypocritical about propiety in dress speech or conduct?" My humble opinion is that we need lots more "stuffiness and hypocracy" if that is the case. Women and little girls walking around in clothes that cover less than half of their bodies could use more of this virtue. Young men who are wearing pants that are way-too-tight and revealing or that are way-too-big and hanging too low showing off too much underneath could use a little more of this virtue. Recently there were a couple of big news items about women who were not allowed to fly on a certain airline because they were considered to be improperly dressed for flying. Good for that airline! When a woman who is not wearing underpants and is wearing a way-too-short skirt steps up on the seat to put her bag in the overhead compartment, thereby revealing way too much of her assets, something needs to be done. When a man walks into a courthouse wearing way-too-big pants that are riding just above the knees thereby revealing way too much of his assets, someone needs to intervene. Obviously modesty should be taught at home at a very early age. If it has not been so taught, society has a right to step up to the plate and encourage or enforce modest dress and behavior. Modesty is NOT "Victorian". It is not stuffy. It is not hypocritical. Modesty is considerate. It is prudent. It is appropriate. It is right.