Tuesday, May 8, 2007


It occurs to me that fear is a tyrannical master. I have known fear in my life. And everyone I know has known fear. It is universal. It is all-consuming of time, thought, emotion, actions. It may be the most common of human reactions. And so very many times the Bible says "Do not be afraid." If it is so commonly mentioned in the Bible - the book for ALL people - it must be a very common feeling indeed. When fear is in control, it rules every other thing in my world. The only thing bigger is the God who says, "Do not be afraid, I have overcome the world." But it is hard to do, isn't it? What is it I fear most? Why am I so afraid of _ _ _ _? Don't be afraid - it is only_ _ _ _. But sometimes it isn't even a definable thing of which I am afraid. Roosevelt said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." GREAT words - because fear immobilizes me, causes me to hide in the shadows of life and tremble. Someone once said that "courage is fear with its legs on." I like that too. Even in terrible fear, maybe I can still find some legs and move forward - or even backward -ANY way is movement and can then perhaps I can overcome my fear.

1 comment:

matt said...

Your posts are always interesting.. well, the first three anyways!