Saturday, November 22, 2014

Second Thanksgiving turkey is defrosing in the refrigerator - since last Thursday. Today did the rest of the shopping for this Thanksgiving. Funny - the cashier at the grocery store told us that their busiest day is Thanksgiving Day. They close at 3:00 p.m. so the employees can all enjoy Thanksgiving also. She said they start at 2:00 p.m. announcing they will be closing in an hour. They re-announce every 15 minutes thereafter and they STILL have to comb the store running people out at 3:00. She said that a lot of people are buying FROZEN turkeys. One has to wonder how in the heck they will be cooking it on that day. Made me chuckle. Matt and Jen and Jack and Charlie are coming for Thanksgiving this year. We are really excited to see them. The other project today was to get the Christmas letter written and printed. The envelopes are addressed and little personal notes are written inside the cards, so the letters and stamping are the last things. Gotta get 'em done early this year since we won't be home much after Thanksgiving. I pray a peaceful Thanksgiving for all of you. May God bless our troops with safety and a real knowledge that they are loved and that their efforts on our behalf are appreciated more than we can express. Happy Thanksgiving!

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