Thursday, November 20, 2014

First turkey of the season turned out great! Second is defrosting in the fridge. It will be for Thanksgiving day. Can't wait. Our eldest son, Matt, and his wonderful family will be here. Jack and Charlie, the grandsons, are wonderful little whirlwinds of fun, giggles, hugs, and excitement. It's going to be a GREAT time with them all. Jen (the Mama) and I will be taking the boys to a movie on Friday while Rod and Matt and some friends go to the car show in Phoenix. (Testosterone so thick you can cut it with a knife.) MUCH more fun to go to the movies. Christmas shopping has begun. We will probably be out for some of the 'Black Friday' fun along with the rest of population of the greater Phoenix area. We will most likely have some great Mexican food for dinner that evening. That's our favorite thing to eat the day after Thanksgiving. Going to be a fun and busy week. I have my shopping list and schedule all done. Just need someone cracking the whip to keep me moving. Any volunteers??? Praying that anyone reading this discovers anew the God who is the Source of all of the blessings for which we will be expressing gratitude on Thanksgiving day. God bless you and you loved ones.

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