Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
The Christmas rush is on. We are going to California for Christmas this year; leaving on Dec. 17. So I have TONS to do in a VERY SHORT amount of time. Have decided not to decorate much at all, since we won't be at home. But gotta shop and ship soon. Hope you all join me in finding time for Jesus during this busy season. Recently heard a message that gave me a brand new perspective on the Christmas Story. No doubt God did not answer Mary's prayer, which was undoubtedly something like - "Dear Father, PLEASE, don't let my baby be born here, in this place. Please let me wait until I can get back home to my mother, my family, my place of security." But God's answer was the perfect answer, wasn't it. Tryng to remember that so often our most earnest prayers will be answered in ways that don't seem like God has even heard our pleas, much less 'answered' them. But God is always at work, and ALL answers are designed to bring glory to Jesus. Praying I can stay focused on that this year.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Our Thanksgiving was wonderful. Hope yours was too. We are so thankful that Matt and Jen and Jack and Charlie could be here to share the feast at our table and to share wonderful times just being family. What a blessing! Now the push to Christmas... Whew, tired already. Hope Thanksgiving is a little earlier next year. Hugs to all!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Second Thanksgiving turkey is defrosing in the refrigerator - since last Thursday. Today did the rest of the shopping for this Thanksgiving. Funny - the cashier at the grocery store told us that their busiest day is Thanksgiving Day. They close at 3:00 p.m. so the employees can all enjoy Thanksgiving also. She said they start at 2:00 p.m. announcing they will be closing in an hour. They re-announce every 15 minutes thereafter and they STILL have to comb the store running people out at 3:00. She said that a lot of people are buying FROZEN turkeys. One has to wonder how in the heck they will be cooking it on that day. Made me chuckle. Matt and Jen and Jack and Charlie are coming for Thanksgiving this year. We are really excited to see them. The other project today was to get the Christmas letter written and printed. The envelopes are addressed and little personal notes are written inside the cards, so the letters and stamping are the last things. Gotta get 'em done early this year since we won't be home much after Thanksgiving. I pray a peaceful Thanksgiving for all of you. May God bless our troops with safety and a real knowledge that they are loved and that their efforts on our behalf are appreciated more than we can express. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 20, 2014
First turkey of the season turned out great! Second is defrosting in the fridge. It will be for Thanksgiving day. Can't wait. Our eldest son, Matt, and his wonderful family will be here. Jack and Charlie, the grandsons, are wonderful little whirlwinds of fun, giggles, hugs, and excitement. It's going to be a GREAT time with them all. Jen (the Mama) and I will be taking the boys to a movie on Friday while Rod and Matt and some friends go to the car show in Phoenix. (Testosterone so thick you can cut it with a knife.) MUCH more fun to go to the movies. Christmas shopping has begun. We will probably be out for some of the 'Black Friday' fun along with the rest of population of the greater Phoenix area. We will most likely have some great Mexican food for dinner that evening. That's our favorite thing to eat the day after Thanksgiving. Going to be a fun and busy week. I have my shopping list and schedule all done. Just need someone cracking the whip to keep me moving. Any volunteers??? Praying that anyone reading this discovers anew the God who is the Source of all of the blessings for which we will be expressing gratitude on Thanksgiving day. God bless you and you loved ones.
Friday, November 14, 2014
This sweet little girl is now TWO YEARS OLD!!! She is such a cutie pie. Her favorite 'people' in the whole world are her 'Nen" (her pronunciation of FRIEND - a stuffed sea horse), Minnie Mouse, and the characters from Yo Gabba Gabba. We had a great time celebrating her birthday. Traveled to California to stay with them for a week. What a great time we had. Gorgeous weather. Amazing grandkids. GREAT TIME!
The other news is that our oldest granddaughter, Tailor, just signed with Holy Names University in Oakland, CA. She was offered a four-year scholarship to play softball with them. That's her in the red shirt. We are SO PROUD of her. She is just an awesome student and is a great third baseman. We think The Hawks made a GREAT choice.
We are SO BLESSED!. The Bible says, "Children's children are a crown to the aged." (Prov. 17:6) We can definitely attest to the truth of that promise! Many blessings also to you who reads this.
Early Bird
The first of this year's turkeys is finished. Our church group is having our Thanksgiving party tomorrow and I am bringing the turkey and a pork roast. (Some people just don't care for turkey. We pray for them. Ha)
I developed this recipe several years ago and it is always amazing.
The key is to use a roasting bag and to cook it the day before you plan to eat it.
I soak the turkey for about 20 mins in salted water. Dry it well inside. Then fill the cavities with chopped vegs (turnip, parship, rutbaba, onion, celery, carrot), fresh herbs (use your favorites - I use 'the song' herbs - parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme) and an apple.
Follow the instructions for using the roasting bag and place the rest of the vegs, herbs and apple in the bottom of the bag. Put the turkey on top. Seal it up, snip the air holes and roast it according to the roasting bag directions.
The juices that collect are abundant and awesome. The gravy made from these juices is a food group unto itself.
When the bird is done, remove it from the bag. Cut the breast halves out in intact hunks. Remove the legs and thighs together. Remove the wings intact. Place these in a container large enough to hold them. Then strain the juice over the meat. Seal the container and refrigerate overnight.
The next day, place meat and juices in roasting pan, cover and reheat at 275 degrees for about 1 hour, or until heated through.
Remove meat to platter. Cover while making the gravy. Slice and serve.
Try it! You'll like it! <3
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
James chapter 3 has some tough things to say to me:
* "Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more srictly."
* "...the tongue is a small part of the body but it makes great boasts."
* "All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue. It is restless, evil, full of deadly poison."
* "But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such 'wisdom' does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition , there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."
Whew! Tough sometimes to look in the mirror...
Monday, October 20, 2014
My husband saw the dermatologist today. He has had many, many basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers through the years. Today they did two biopsies and multiple liquid nitrogen 'blasts' all over his face and arms. We didn't know about sun protection when we were growing up in Southern California.
But we all know better now!
WEAR HATS AND SUNSCREEN! Save yourself lots of grief in your later years.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
We're doing this really cool Bible study method with our small group right now. We are Studying James, one chapter a week. Each week we answer three questions:
1. What would you title this chapter? (Can't use what is printed in our Bibles.)
2. What is your favorite verse in this chapter? Why is it your favorite?
2. What is your most challenging verse in this chapter? Why is it your most challenging.
We are on Chapter 2 this week. Here are my answers:
1. "What Does Real Faith Look Like?"
2. Verse 17. Christianity seems to me to always ask, "What are you going TO DO with Jesus?" Faith is an action word to me - it's about DOING. But in the doing I have to remember Ephesians 2:8-9 that tells me I am saved by GRACE and grace alone. But I am so overcome and changed by that grace that my reaction has to be ACTIVE; doing, giving, serving, loving.
3. Verse 10.It's hard for me to think about God like this. It is so different than the way we think in our society. If we bread one part of the traffic law (speeding, running a red light, etc.), we don't automatically break ALL of the law; like murder or robbery. But God is absolute. That is why I need a Savior. Jesus tells us (Matthew 5) that hating someone in our hearts is the same, in the eyes of God, as murdering them. Breaking just a little bit of the law - if only in our hearts - is the same as overtly breaking all of the law. Wow.
Thank you God for the change and redemption that comes because of Jesus.
Friday, October 10, 2014
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