Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Aunt Dannie

Aunt Dannie stepped into the presence of Jesus early yesterday morning.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

And so it goes...

Mother's Day was a day of hugely mixed emotions for me.

I had a WONDERFUL time in California with my oldest son and his wife. We worshipped together, laughed together, shared together, dreamed together, and ate lots of terrific food. It was a great time.

The next day we drove home and arrived in time to have dinner with our younger son and his family. The granddaughters are amazing and growing and beautiful and perfect.

My honey has given me an awesome gift package of a new digital camera and a camcorder - my first. I am learning all about them and intend to make some fun pictures and movies with which I can bore everyone who unthinkingly falls into my trap. Fun.

What mixed those emotions was the day before Mother's Day when we went to check on my husband's elderly aunt.

She is in her late 80's and suffering from advancing dementia and a number of physical ailments (heart stuff, lung stuff, etc.). Some time ago my husband and his sister were named by her to be Powers of Attorney over her health care and financial interests. This has proven to be a most difficult and challenging role for both of them. Her dementia is such that she cannot be involved in any decision making. Her wishes were not very clearly outlined when she drew up the papers years ago, so they have to do their "best guessing" in providing her care and taking charge of her belongings. It is a difficult and sad task for them.

She, in her later years of dementia, has messed things up pretty thoroughly and pretty much used up all of her assets making it very difficult for them to provide care for her. And now, her heart is failing and she must go on hospice care. This is very hard and very sad for my husband and his sister.

Once this woman was proud, independent, hard working, vibrant and productive. She has buried two husbands and her only son. She is alone, except for this niece and nephew who have, with grace and dignity, agreed to see to her needs and provide good care for her until God's timing for her life ends.

So, Mother's day was full of beginnings and endings, laughter and sadness, peace and pain. And so it goes...