Wednesday, August 29, 2007


4 days ago we were reminded of how quickly life can take a turn and all that you hold dear can be put at risk. Our precious daugher-in-law, Stacy, was injured in a serious car accident. She was alone in the car. The rain was pouring down. She had exited the interstate to wait it out. When it let up, she got back on the interstate, was cut off by a big truck, hit a water pocket and hydroplaned into the center divider. At 7 1/2 months pregnant, all accidents are scary. At the county hospital they evaluated her and the baby. After a couple of CAT scans and some concern about possible internal bleeding from a seat-belt laceration, both of them were determined to be OK. Stacy has some pretty significant muscle spasms and will need physical therapy, but the baby is A-OK and Mommy will be 100% before long. Thank you God for seat belts, air bags and cars that are built to spread the impact around the passengers. Certainly Stacy's and baby Madison's guardian angels were double-teaming on this one.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Summer Daze

Here it is, early August and there are still 6 weeks of summer left. Of course, here in Arizona, there are about 6 MONTHS left of summer, but who's counting... My husband and I celebrated our 38th anniversary two days ago. 38 YEARS!!! How is it even possible that two such young people could be married so very many years? But we are blessed with a great marriage and have wonderful children and the very best grandchildren in the world. God has been so good to us. I feel so undeserving of all that I have when there are so very many people around me who are suffering in poverty, aloneness and pain. But I am very grateful and quite overwhelmed by what I have been given.

When I think about summer, so many memories come flooding in. Memories of camping trips with my parents and sisters and brother. Memories of mud pies and catching pollywogs in the squash field across the street. Memories of driving vacations with my husband and two little boys. Memories of babysitting and boyfriends and secrets shared and reading treasured books and sleeping until noon and helping my dad with his projects and church camp and choir tour and so very much more. Memories of weddings and babies and saying "good-byes". The one truly wonderful thing about growing older is the baskets full of treasured rememberings that are collected. I wish I had been a "journaler" all of my life. I would be able to enjoy even more remberings than I can now. If you are reading this and are young, start journaling. When you get to be my age, you will be so glad you did.

In the heat of the summer we are forced to slow down a little. That is a good thing. We all need a little idle time and summer is a great place to find that. Hope your summer is going great and that you are finding some time to "put it in neutral" and just idle a little bit.